Mon – Sun: 7 AM – 9 PM
Walk into any home, and somewhere in the basement or garage you will find old paint cans. Everybody’s got them, nobody wants them, and no one seems to know what to do with them.
New homeowners move into their dream home and find the previous owner was “doing them a favor” by leaving behind a few cans of their favorite colors. (Which the new owner will almost immediately paint over, adding to the can collection themselves.) Landlords keep gallons upon gallons of white paint for touch-ups between tenants. New parents accumulate the soft pink of the baby’s nursery, followed by the pre-teen lavender, followed by the rainbow hues or flat black of the moody teenager’s room.
Everybody has paint, and the options for paint can disposal used to be limited. Add kitty litter to an open can until all the liquid is absorbed. Pour it out in thin sheets onto cardboard, letting each layer dry before throwing it in the trash. Or use it up on odd jobs around the house, resulting in a mish-mash of colors that most likely don’t resemble an impressionist masterpiece.
All that changed in May 2022, when New York State quietly launched the PaintCare program. PaintCare is a nonprofit organization created by the paint industry to manage leftover paint in states that have enacted paint stewardship laws. Although New York just joined this program last year, PaintCare ultimately plans to expand to over 300 drop-off sites across the state.
Under oversight of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, New York’s paint recycling program is a direct result of a paint stewardship law passed in 2019, which ensures that everyone who produces, sells, and uses paint can work together to minimize, reuse, and recycle unwanted paint.
So how does it work?
PaintCare makes it convenient to recycle leftover paint by establishing drop-off sites at local government facilities and paint retailers. These locations are Listed on PaintCare’s online site locator at, or by calling PaintCare’s hotline number at (855) PAINT-09.
Most PaintCare sites accept both latex- and oil-based architectural paint products, including paints, stains, sealers, and varnishes. Paint must be dropped off in its original container with its original manufacturer’s label. A full list of products accepted by the program is available on PaintCare’s website.
Inherited a house that had a treasure trove of half-used paint cans? Not to worry, locations with 100 gallons or more of paint can request a free pick-up from a participating location.
And the best part? Dropping off paint cans is FREE! Up to five gallons of paint are accepted at a time. The cost of the program is covered by a fee charged on the sale of new paint. Locally, paint is accepted at all Sherwin-Williams stores, along with a number of hardware stores and other retailers. Look up your address on the PaintCare New York website to find the closest location to you.
Already a rousing success, New York’s PaintCare program was projected to manage more than 1.1 million gallons of paint in its first year. In New York, 36.6 million gallons of paint are sold annually, and it is estimated that about 10 percent of household paint goes unused. PaintCare helps ensure the best use for paint collected in the program, including giving away usable material as-is, recycling it, or putting it to another beneficial use. Most of the paint PaintCare receives is latex-based and about 70% is remixed into recycled paint. To date, PaintCare has processed more than 50 million gallons of paint nationally.
So don’t just forget about those old cans of paint rusting away in your basement, or leave them behind to be someone else’s problem. Visit PaintCare’s website to find a location near you and get rid of them!
Mon – Sat: 7 AM – 7 PM
Closed Sundays and major holidays, but drop us a line anytime!
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